Eddie Maguire

Eddie Maguire was born in 1950 and turned his hand to writing and publishing in the late 1980s after falling prey to the scourge of disability (in body if not mind and spirit). At first he produced a series of five short stories that were later followed by novel length works. Eddie has always been fascinated by the writings of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and historical research, and it is therefore not surprising to find that certain historical figures feature in his Sherlock Holmes adventures with the greatest care being given to recreating the atmosphere and characters of the era. If proof were needed no less than Freddie Trueman, the noted cricket expert, said of Eddie’s A Death at the Cricket that ‘This story really brings to life the big house cricket matches of the 19th century’.

Eddie lived in Somerset with his wife Mary and their six cats.

Books by Eddie Maguire
A Death at the Cricket (Irregular Special Press Audio)
Sherlock Holmes and the Bolshevik Plot
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Mission
Sherlock Holmes and the Tandridge Hall Murder (& other stories)
Sherlock Holmes and the Three Poisoned Pawns (short story)